Sunday, August 12, 2012

Old Australian stamped linens.

I was recently asked by the secretary of our Embroiderers Guild if I knew anything about Fautley linens.  They'd received an email at the Guild from a lady who was seeking information about Fautleys.  I had heard of them; indeed I have several of their traced linen doilies and aprons, but apart from that I didn't know anything about the company.  I decided to do a bit of investigating, and my first stop was of course Google.  I was rather surprised that there was nothing much at all there except for the Fautley linens that were popping up on eBay!

So I pulled from the shelf my collection of books about vintage textiles and needlecraft.  After looking through a dozen, I finally struck gold in a locally produced soft covered book about vintage Australian brands of textiles.  Not much information, but enough to answer my questions.  T & A Fautley & Sons were makers and suppliers of 'Fautleys Art Needlework' supplies.  They were based in Brunswick here in Melbourne around 1927.  I can't find out when they started business, or when they closed their doors, but at least I know it was an Australian company.

Some other early Australian needlecraft companies around that time were:
Semco - Black Rock, Vic.
Myart (previously known as Myford) Needlework Co., Australia House, Sydney, NSW.
PHC Traced Linen (The Pioneer Handkerchief Co. Ltd), Sydney, NSW.
Cleopatra Art Needlework - Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.
We also had J & P Coats, Anchor, and Clarks, but I suspect they were all imports, like DMC and the others who came along in later years.


  1. Interesting, I don't think I have any Fautley & Sons linens. Recently I had to send to Victoria for some Semco tapestry wool as it is impossible to find here. What did we do before ebay and google? Now it's possible to find anything. Sylvia

  2. Hi, there are several digitised articles about Fautley's Needlework on Trove. Google Trove and search Fautley's. It is a great place to find old adverts and articles from Australian papers. You could spend hours!! Pru.

  3. I have not long ago acquired a Fautley's stamped apron with a basket of flowers on it, design number 1259. Also stamped on the calico in a corner is 'Large Size Ladies Apron" There is a price tag of 1/6 and was purchased from David Jones Sydney. Wonder how old it may be.

  4. I have an old doily from my grandmother that is partially completed but i don't have the recommended colours and some of the pattern was washed off when i tried to remove the rust created by a needle sitting in the work for over 60 years.
    Fautlerys No 1908 is the piece it is a trellis, standard rose in the front along with other flowers and a lady in a long dress.
    if anyone has a copy of the colours could they let me know, thanks

  5. I have a Myart traced linen tablecloth and unfortunately there is no colour chart. There is a number stamped on it No. C.L. 1512 features large open rose and two buds with swirls either side. Hoping someone may be able to help with colour chart or with how I can make contact with the company that manufactures them. I would love to stitch this and keep as family heirloom as I found it amongst my mother's belongings when she passed away. Thanks all Brenda

  6. Hi everyone, my mother was a principal graphic designer for Fautley's. It was such a competitive field in the 50's that she wasn't allowed to have her meal breaks with other employees - hers was served to her in her art room! We have at least 100 original designs on paper many designed by mum & their matching original needlework. They are just beautiful.

    1. Would you be willing to share these designs. I have a vast collection of embroidered arons and I am having great difficulty finding any history of them. Any information would be very valuable

  7. I have just been reading the comments left on this blog over the past year or so, and I am delighted that people are still finding it of interest. I would particularly like to hear from the above lady whose mother was a designer for Fautleys.
    If you read this, I would greatly appreciate it if you could contact me at my email address

  8. So glad that Google bought me here. I just found a partly embroidered tray cloth in an op shop (in a surgical scrubs type green colour) with crinoline ladies at each end. It's Fautley's No. 1929, and I'd really love to know how old it is (and when Fautley's closed).

  9. Hi Everyone, like the entry above been to the op shop and have a tray cloth unworked no.1141 with the design of tiger/oriental lilys and would love to know the colour scheme. Lynn

  10. I have just found a Fautleys auto tray No 902 [x 2] given to me by a friend whose mother died several years ago. Have no idea how to stitch it. Any ideas?

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  12. I don't know if this the right way to ask this but I have a collection of printed stencilled linen never finished or some not started and two AGM apron stencils that I would like to sell. Could you please give me the contact details of anyone who may be a collector. My email is Thank you Jennifer


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